I'm Nervous to Ask

As we kick off this series, we are believing that the Holy Spirit will start to reveal things to you.  He might even start to bring new questions you are asking, as well as a hunger to know the answer God has for them.  Maybe you have asked yourself...

  • Am I the only one that feels this way? 
  • Is something wrong with me? 
  • If anyone ever knew the thoughts that lurk in my mind would they reject me?"

Well, you're not alone! We all struggle with hard questions that we'd rather not share with anyone, because it's difficult being vulnerable! But, WHAT IF, there was an anonymous place to ask these questions weighing on your heart from the weekly messages, daily devotionals, and all the other emotionally healthy resources available to you? Questions/thoughts like:

  • "When I think about the next 8 months, is it ok to be more terrified than excited, because my emotions really rule my daily life?"
  • "As I read/listen to the chapters in the book, even the end of chapter one, I don't think I even know where to begin! Can someone help me?"
  • "How did I get Christianity so messed up! I thought I got it, but I am seeing there is much I have missed. How did I miss the emotional side of Jesus?"
  • "After reading/listening through the first chapter I don't think I even know what it means "to be" with God."

Go ahead, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE to anonymously write the question/concern or thought on your heart. We will use some of these questions to fuel the upcoming Fusion Family Conversation Podcasts. Who knows, your question just might be the catalyst to help someone else!