Child Dedication

Dedicating your child is very simply the act of offering back to the Lord the gift He placed in your care to be the mother or father of your son or daughter. It is an acknowledgment that as a parent you are simply a steward of influence loving your child in the place of God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Dedicating your child does not save them or usher in their salvation. That is a personal decision that each and every one of us have to make for ourselves. In Scripture, everywhere we see BAPTISM occur, it is clear that it is a public response to personal salvation that occurs after one's decision to put faith in Jesus. Therefore, we practice infant and child dedications, understanding that it is the decision of the parents/guardians to commit to raise their children with an awareness of their Christian faith, as an eyewitness to the Glory of Jesus in their life, and in the context of a local church that can foster each child's growth and development in faith discovery and response. It is our hope and desire that by cultivating their witness of faith and development, your child will one day choose to say YES to Jesus in faith, experiencing salvation, and then also choose to publicly DECLARE their personal faith through believer's BAPTISM after!

A wonderful example of this is the legacy of a woman named Hannah in 1 Samuel chapter 1, who pledges to dedicate her child to the Lord if He chooses to bless her with one. That child becomes the prophet Samuel that God uses powerfully for His purpose, and as His voice in the kingdom of Israel during King Saul and King David's reign.
The Bible provides us with rich guidance on infant/child dedication:
• What child dedication is: A commitment by the parents to raise their child in the knowledge of God (Deuteronomy 6:6-7) and within the context on the body of Christ, the local church
• Who child dedication is for: Any child whose parents/guardians want to publicly dedicate their lives to raising their child according to God’s word (Ephesians 6:4)
• When child dedication can happen: When the parents feel led to present their child before the Lord, and before the congregation of their home church where the child will be a part of the family of God

If you are interested in participating, and dedicating your child the next time it is offered, please click the button below to provide us with some information, and we will follow up to help you know what to expect.

We look forward to celebrating this significant moment in your family’s spiritual journey with you and your family!
-As a note, a child's dedication is a significant milestone in the life of a child. We strongly urge you to consider inviting family members and friends to be present that day to celebrate this amazing decision you are making.